Q3 Week 1

What inspired me to choose the genre horror is the fact that Ive always been intrigued by suspenseful or gory movies. Psychologists have found out that people like to be frightened. I would declare this true, for some reason the frightening is appealing. Another factor as to why I watch horror is that the bad guy gets it and the good guys make it out. This is a common theme played throughout horror films since the beginning of the genre. The unrealism and tension also created by horror films are also an alluring aspect in horror films. The mystery and unknown is a big draw in for me as well. Growing up watching shows like Scooby Doo probably set me up to be drawn to horror movies. Personally, I like the old cheesy horror movies such as The Shining, The Nightmare on Elm Street, and Halloween. Movies that are particularly based off of Stephen King books I enjoy as well because I have read a great amount of his books. The thrill watching build suspense and leads viewers to wonder what is going to happen. The mystery makes viewers continue to watch because they want to know how things will turn out, what happens to the good/ bad guys. The more technical reasons as to why I love horror is the special effects, artistry, and everything that goes into making a gory scene. Looking at the new horror movies and the intense and precision taken into making a gory scene. From the blood packs to the special effects makeup, and even the online software that aids in intensifying it. Typically, horror movies are not exactly Oscar winners but they do get your adrenaline going. Horror films prey on the audiences fear, sometimes it can pertain to someone and be personal. You either love or hate horror movies. Some people just aren’t into them because they simply appaul them or cannot handle them. The extreme situations presented in horror movies is an important appeal factor as well. Knowing that this isn’t going to happen to you and that its unreal will most likely draw viewers in. Most of the time as well in horror genres, there are unexpected twists that occur. Plot twists such as the killer is really someone unexpected or that someone really isn’t dead are common themes that occur within many movies. The reasoning as to why people enjoy horror films is extremely broad but in the end, it is a very versatile genre that encapsulates many of the most popular movies out.


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