Film Opening Research #2 - BirdBox

how many titles are displayed during the opening sequences to the film?
One time in vague uppercased font- BirdBox, blended into the river.

what images are prioritized in the opening sequence?
The opening scene is very brief, a panning aerial shot follows down the river for about 10 seconds than the large font title appears. No credits are in the opening scene.

what connotations do the images carry?
The connotation of following the river and the river being the opening image gives the audience the idea that the river will be important later on.

how is genre reinforced through symbolic and technical codes from the outset?
BirdBox is a drama/thriller. Thee either upbeat audio when a chasing scene is occurring or no audio or very silenced breathing when they are hiding contributes to the thriller. The setting differs from the house, to the river, to the deaf school. The symbolic code of the birds is throughout the film. The birds help guide her and the children and lead them to safety ultimately in the end.

how does the film establish an enigma from the outset?
The film isn't just like any other thriller. Although I did notice some similarities between this film and "The Quiet Place". Both plots focus around an apocalyptic end of the world. If they open their eyes a monster of some sort or alien if you will, will make them kill themselves. There is not really a "happy ending" either which contrasts many films. A main character dies as well.

what strategies are used to ensure the film appeals to its target audience?
The strategies used to appeal to the target audience include the suspense. The upbeat pace of the movie as well. The pressure and rush of them getting to the deaf school as well contributes to the anticipation that the audience feels.

how has technology been used effectively? 
Technology is used effectively especially during the river scenes. Without them being in utter peril the entire time and extreme danger which is credit to special effects there would be lost suspense of whether or not the trio would survive.


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