Mis-en-scheme- The Shining

The Shining

Setting: The setting of the shining greatly contributes to the plot. Without the hotel being completely secluded and deeply in nature King wouldn't have been able to create the storyline where Jack gets cabin fever. Also the setting infers that the hotel is some sort of extension to hell (whatever that may be), because of the events that occur within the setting. The problems that connect with the land itself are undetermined, its not specified if the hotel was built on an ancient Indian burial ground for example, or just that the weather itself is what sparked Jacks cabin fever.

Lighting: For example, in the bar scene from The Shining, the light accentuates the red color scheme in the Gold Lounge where Jack is getting a drink.  Many of the furnishings, some walls, both Lloyd and Jack’s jackets, and Jack’s face are all red, suggesting a connection to blood and murder per say. Unlike most horror films, Kubrick has the film well lit, and not dreary (inside the hotel),   and the high key lighting reflects the mad electricity, the exploding synapses, of Jack increasingly insane mind when acquiring cabin fever.

Costume: The film is based in the 1980s so the clothes the family wears reflect that. The infamous plaid flannel that Jack wears or his distressed jeans all contribute to the feel of the 80's vibe. His wife also wears clothing that resemble the typical 80's wear, long funky dresses with patterns. Their son even wears jean overalls.

Staging: The Shining doesn’t necessarily come off right away as a horror film because of the staging techniques used. The ariel shots of the title sequence shows a picturesque mountain scene and an unusual choice of blue credits, a color not usually associated within the horror genre (red/black/dark), however the music choice makes this rather beautiful shot seem ominous and frightening, and highlights the vastness of the surroundings which completely overpower the characters, contributing to the plot where it is really man vs. mind where the mind (with the help of nature) overpowers the man (jack). There is a variety of close up and long shots where on particular shot does not necessarily overpower the rest.


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