Week 4 Assignment

The Babadook (2014)
Produced By:Kristina Ceyton and Kristian Moliere
I chose to comment on a few of the scenes in The Babadook because I am a horror film fan and I wanted to do a foreign film, being that The Babadook is an Austrian film. This movie does a stellar job at including mixed camera angles and every scene basically had a new angle so it was very difficult to chose just a few. The one thing I did notice was the lack of wide angles and long shots, the majority of the angles was filmed up close creating a very personal and tension filled contrast.

This cameo shot of Amelia represents her overwhelming (the darkness consuming her) sense of relief when she is able to sleep. This scene is metaphorical because the darkness portrays the relief and since it is all around her it shows how she's at peace finally when her son is able to sleep therefore she can as well. This hot gives the audience a feel of discomfort and  confusion because it is such an odd way that she is "falling" into bed.

 This extreme close up of Samuels eye at the doctors office after he seizes in the car after his first encounter with the Babadook is a perfect way to lead into the doctors office scene. Shining the light into Samuels eye creates a real way the audience can connect to the scene because it is typically done in doctors offices. This scene intrigues the audience and leads them to want to know more and find out what is wrong with Samuel.

This eye level shot of Amelia feels as if she's staring directly at you. This creates an effect of drama and creates a personal connection to the audience. Looking into her eyes you can see a longing, and in her case its peace and relief. Also by being at eye level, the audience can get the effect as if they're standing right in front of her.

This close shot of Samuel is also one coming from another characters perspective- the Babadook himself. This is an interesting choice of character to be "in the lens of" because the Babadook is the antagonist/villain. This close shot makes the scene more eery and creepy as well, because the Babadook is towering over Samuel emphasizing the largeness of the monster. This scene makes the audience uncomfortable and fills it with tension, of what might happen to Samuel.

This establishing shot portrays the tension between the mother and son by them being seated at opposite ends and having a great distance between them. This distance also establishes tension withheld by the mother Amelia. They eat in silence and she repeatedly asks Samuel to stop speaking of the Babadook but he can't. This makes the audience feel awkward and almost give sympathy to Samuel because his mother won't listen to him. 

This tight shot demonstrates the car crash dream Amelia has every night. Amelia has this dream because that is how her husband died 7 years ago while on the way to the hospital to give birth to Samuel. In a way this scene is a flashback because Amelia does appear younger. Amelias face takes up the entire frame creating a tight shot, focusing on her face. This creates a sense of urgency and worry for the audience.


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